Born in 1984 in Islamabad, Pakistan
Resides and works in Houston, United States of America

Education Milan Art Institute 2023- 2024, United States of America


Sofi gaya art is an impression of Sofi’s life journey through which she expresses how she feels and sees the world around her. She paints how she perceives different subjects interacting with their surroundings. Her main subject is a female figure. She could be Sofi at some point in her life or a beautiful character she met on her way or even imagined in her life. Her paintings tell a story of these characters interacting with nature or their surroundings. Her women are carefree, dancing, relaxed and enjoying- very much in the moment, and in a state of esctacy. There is a feeling of happiness and hope that surrounds these women and at the same time giving them power to fully express themselves without any inhibition. They are carefree, happy, ecstatic, disinhibited, carefree, full of love and open-hearted. Her paintings also marvel at the beauty of these women and how their feelings and emotions bring these out in them physically, how sometimes they are in love with elements of nature and other times not bothered by any hindrances in their way. They don’t have any agenda or fear.

Sofi can’t paint news. She can only beautify through her imagination, and for her dance, laughter and smiles can make any story warm and fade away any storm. So this journey is her imagination rather than the reality. “But what is reality?” Sofi says, “you can feel and create it to be happy or sad. I choose happy. Thats my power. That’s how you /l make this life experience your/my own, your/my unique, sofi’as.”

Black and white photo of a woman sitting on rocks by the ocean, wearing sunglasses and patterned pants.

Sofi Philosophy

Sofi’s vibrant paintings express her profound love for freedom, particularly for girls and women who often face societal constraints. Sophie grew up in a place where their freedom was significantly restricted, which deeply influenced her artistic vision. Despite these challenges, she maintained a positive style and dedicated herself to working hard to achieve a life of true freedom. Her passion abundantly shines through in her beautiful depictions of girls and women dancing joyfully in lush, natural settings, celebrating the essence of life. She focuses on the goodness that exists, illustrating what a carefree life can truly embody. Her figures appear relaxed, exuding a sense of harmony with nature and dance, which invites viewers to share in their sense of joy. Instead of falling into the trap of complaining about what is lacking, she chooses to create what is missing, a sentiment that is beautifully reflected in her art. Through her work, she brings forth joy and happiness, reminding us that true happiness often comes down to a matter of perspective and choice.